How many times have you gone to the mall because you were bored and bought something you didn’t need? Or the next day after purchasing a new something—thought why did I buy this?
The next time you are feeling restless, bored or lonely—try this:
Three Things To Do In Less Than Three Minutes (Or take MORE time if you are having fun!)
1) Lie down on a blanket and LOOK AT THE CLOUDS in the sky. What shapes do you see? What memories does this bring back? CALL your best friend and share your thoughts.
2) DRINK A CUP of tea. Find the best tasting tea in your cupboard and notice everything about making a cup of tea from boiling the hot water to the sound of the tea bag dropping in the cup (or the water poured over loose tea). Notice the change in the color of the water as it steeps. When do you notice a fragrance? How does it smell? Once your tea is ready. Notice everything you can about your first sip and your first taste.
3) SEARCH the deepest, darkest corner of your closet. Ignore all of the STUFF in the front. Spend three minutes in the BACK. What’s there? Why? Did you find something you’ve forgotten about? Did you find a treasure? Did you find three old shirts that you can give away? If this activity brings up an unhappy memory, gently think about it. Can you let both the object and the feeling go at this moment in your life? If you’d like to keep what you found, can you bring it out into the light and use it every day?
Thanks for sharing three minutes with me.
Ellen Wass Beckerman
Writer/Photographer/Graphic Designer
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